Schedule: Key date: 9-10 June, 2023
Shanghai General Hospital (Jiading Branch)江桥医院, 上海市黄家花园路800号
Academic Language:English, Chinese (汉 语,英语)
主办单位Sponsor 上海市第一人民医院嘉定分院(江桥医院)Jiading Branch of Shanghai General Hospital; Shanghai JiaoTong University Med Sch.
协办单位Co-organizer: 嘉定区医学会Chinese Medical Association (CMA Jiading Distr )
大会主席团 Presidium Team: 郑兴东Zheng Xingdong 王悍Wng Han, 谢东升Xie Dongsheng 陶琼英Tao Qiongying, 郑亚群Zheng Yaqun, M. Iqbal Choudhary院士
荣誉主席Honorary Chairmen: Atta-ur-Rahman院士, 杨任民Yang RM
大会主席Chairmen 王晓平 Wang XP , Amos D Korczyn
轮值秘书长Rotating Secretary General 刘芳 LIU Fang.
大会网站 Conference Website: WD+AD+PD 2009--
CONy 2023 | March 23-25, 2023 | Dubrovnik, Croatia ( (2024 伦敦)
9号下午 国际线上交流 线上/现场
CONy Shanghai Summit (Chair: Amos D Korczyn, Wang XP )
June 9 aftrnoon 2pm-5pm (Beijing Time), 2023 Zoom Meeting
Introduction (Chair: Amos D Korczyn, Wang XP)
1:40 江桥国际院士工作站 国际院士英文揭牌发言(现场 by Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary 院士 )
2pm-2:30 Amos D Korczyn: CONy as the Great Masterwork worldly
2:30-3:00 Elinor Ben-Menachem: How to treat drug resistant epilepsy when surgical options fail?
3:00-3:30 Dimos D. Mitsikostas : Intractable Migraine or MS treatments
3:30 -4:00 Luo XG: Molecular Pathology of AD
4:30-5:00 M. Iqbal Choudhary: Novel Chemical drugs from Natural Plants.
5:00-5:30 Giancarlo Comi. Can we stop the progression of MS?
学术委员会成员(Faculty Members and MDS/AOS Leaderships)
International Speakers
Professor emeritus Amos D Korczyn (Neurodegeneration)
CONy President
Department of Neurology
Tel Aviv University 以色列
Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS, N.I., H.I., S.I., T.I.
UNESCO Science Laureate
Academician Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor Emeritus
International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences
University of Karachi
Karachi 75270 巴基斯坦
Prof. Natan M. Bornstein
Professor of Neurology at the Tel-Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine.
Chairman of the Israeli Stroke Society (ISS) (since 2019)
Director of the Brain Division at the Shaare-Zedek Medical Center (since 2016)
Head of Stroke Unit at the Tel-Aviv Medical Center 以色列
Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary
Mustafa (PBUH) Prize Laureate, H. I., S. I., T. I.
Director ICCBS/ Distinguished National Professor
Coordinator General COMSTECH
University of Karachi. 巴基斯坦
Dimos D. Mitsikostas MD, PhD, FEAN
Professor of Neurology ( headache & MS)
1st Neurology Department, Aeginition Hospital
Medical School, National and Kapidistrian
University of Athens,希腊
Elinor Ben-Menachem
Department of Neurology, (Intractable Epilepsy)
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, 瑞典
XG Luo
Department of Psychiatry. (Neurodegeneration)
University f Yale Medical School, USA
Xieyi Li
Department of Neurology, (Chorea,and Rare diseases)
Harvard University Med School
Boston, USA.
Giancarlo Comi
Honorary Professor Vita Salute San Raffaele University (Milan)
Centro Sclerosi Multipla Gallarate .Italy.
National Speakes (Faculties)
大会主席团Presidium Team:
Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS, M. Iqbal Choudhary
郑兴东 Zheng, Xingdong 王 悍 Wng Han, 陶琼英 Tao Qiongying , 郑亚群 Zheng Yaqun
荣誉主席Honorary Chairmen:
杨任民 Yang RM, Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS
王晓平 Wang XP;Amos D Korczyn
大会秘书长 刘芳 Liu F.
秘书 王彬 张丽丽